Newsletter #4 - Handel week and the Illinois arts council agency and Illinois humanities are proud to announce arts and humanities month in Illinois
Pilgrim Congregational Church U.C.C.
460 Lake St, Oak Park, IL 60302
Our Festival MAILING address is:
828 North Harvey Avenue, Oak Park, IL 60302
The Illinois Arts Council Agency (IACA) and Illinois Humanities are proud to present Illinois Arts & Humanities Month. Throughout October, we encourage all Illinoisans to establish, deepen, and expand their relationships with the arts and humanities. Together, we celebrate the vital role of the arts and humanities in our individual and shared community life. AH! Month, an expansion of Illinois Arts Week begun in 1978, has led to hundreds of communities and countless individuals across the Land of Lincoln to become more aware of our state's vast cultural resources and to appreciate their animating force, economic impact, and power to unite. October is also National Arts & Humanities Month. So, our agencies will be working alongside our arts and humanities counterparts across all 50 states.